This section provides an overview of the sections found on the home page. What appears on a user's home page depends on the user's role and permissions.
The toolbar consists of the following shortcuts:

- FAST Logo: Clicking the FAST logo will always navigate you to the homepage/landing page.
- Expand/collapse icon: Clicking the Expand/Collapse icon will expand and collapse the page by minimising the navigation bar.
- Function/module shortcuts: The shortcuts will enable you to navigate to specific modules in just one click: TimeBook, WFM, Assistance, Notification, and ShiftSwap. These shortcuts will be active on the toolbar only if you have alerts or pending notifications.
- Role/identity: This displays the role of the user who has signed in. Click this icon to access user profile and settings.
- Mode: Clicking this icon allows you to switch to the sidebar or full view mode.
Using Search Desk
The Search Desk has three functions. Click the accordions to know more: