Prefactor Management is an admin function that enables an admin to determine which parameters can be set for a user that determines when and why they are able to see certain desks to book into. For example, a user who is a part of a team is only able to search a desk within a specific section of a floor map that is dedicated to that team. If those desks are booked out, only then the user is able to select a desk elsewhere.

Prefactors enable users to book themselves a desk in a specific area based on priority. The prefactors are divided into different priorities: High, Medium, and Low. High priority prefactors are the initial area that users are able to book into. Only once the desks in this prefactor are fully booked are the users able to book a desk in the Medium priority prefactor. Once the Medium priority prefactor is full then the users are able to book into the Low priority prefactor.

Follow these steps to add a new prefactor: 
  1. Log in to your FAST account.

  2. Go to Admin > Prefactor Management.

  3. Click Add New

  4. Enter the Name and Description.

    Note: It is recommended that a descriptive Name and Description are used for prefactors so that it helps other users on site understand what is contained within a prefactor. 

  5. Select the Start Date and End Date.

    Note: Once the end date has been exceeded, the prefactor will no longer apply to the site.

  6. Click the Submit button. The new prefactor will be shown in the list.


After creating the prefactor, you need to edit it to apply the parameters. To do this, follow these steps: 
  1. Go to Admin > Prefactor Management.

  2. Find the prefactor that you want to edit from the list then click the Edit button.

  3. Choose the Priority level.

    Note: You're able to set the priority mapping (high, medium, low) for each individual prefactor within the FAST site. This can be done within one prefactor or can be done separately by creating individual prefactors and only setting the priority mapping in each one, e.g one prefactor for high priority mapping, one priority for medium priority mapping. You can have as many prefactors as you want for different circumstances, such as one prefactor for each team, one prefactor for each location, etc. although you need to keep in mind that users that are within multiple high, medium, low prefactors will have access to all the desks contained within these prefactors, e.g. if a user is within two matching priority prefactors that has different desks, the user will be able to book into either of those set of desks.

  4. Select the Desk, User, Team Manager, then click Save Mapping.

    The desk in the prefactors once entered is stored on the left and the users are stored on the right.

    Note: When you select a manager in the Team Manager drop-down, the User drop-down will automatically select all users that report to the selected manager inside FAST.

The prefactor is now edited.

To delete a prefactor, take the following steps:  
  1. Go to the Manage Prefactor(s) dashboard.

  2. Find the prefactor that you want to delete then click the x icon.

  3. Click the OK button to confirm the deletion.

  4. A dialog box shall be displayed to show that the prefactor has been deleted. Click OK.


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