The Data Dump function allows users to extract data for FAST assistance requests/forms out of the FAST UI and into a spreadsheet format. These extracts can be configured to select data within a date range or use content filters as well.


To extract Assistance requests data, follow the steps below:
  1. Log in to your FAST account.

  2. Go to Admin > Data Dumps.

  3. Click the Assistance tab.

  4. Select the Year and the Month. You can select specific date range within that month by choosing the Start Date and End Date.

    Note: The user can only select up to a maximum of 1 month worth of data per extract. This is implemented to reduce the impact to FAST's performance.
    A user can now extract the file.

  5. You can break down the specific fields by clicking Include Content Filters. This will enable you to select filters to break down the selection further.

    Note: These drop-downs will only contain values based on the assistance requests that were requested within the specified date range.

  6. Click Download Excel file to download the data.

    A confirmation box will appear confirming the file has been downloaded. The file will be extracted as an Excel sheet.

  7. Open the extracted file to see the data.

    Note: Extracts will only include requests that have the value that meet the criteria selected in the content filters. If a user selects a date range that has no assistance requests in that date range, the user will not be able to download a file.
To extract FAST forms data, follow the steps below:
  1. Log in to your FAST account.

  2. Go to Admin > Data Dumps.

  3. Click the relevant form, in this example Dynamic Intel Collection.

  4. Select Year and Month. You can select specific date range within that month by choosing the Start Date and End Date.

  5. Select the form from the drop-down then click Download Excel file.

    A confirmation box will appear confirming the file has been downloaded. The file will be extracted as an Excel sheet.

  6. Open the extracted file to see the data.



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